
The Arts Learning Area boasts a wide range of artistic pursuits including drama, media, music, photography and visual arts.
Visiting music specialist teachers add to the school's expertise by offering vocal and instrumental teaching support.
A regular feature on the school calendar are a range of production experiences.
Courses in The Arts - Year 11
General - Design (Photography)
Design involves the strategic development, planning and production of visual and tactile communication. It deals with the effective and efficient communication of ideas, values, beliefs, attitudes, messages and information to specific audiences for specific purposes and with specific intentions.
Design – Photography (Unit 1): calendar design (the seasons), photography magazine design, poster design, tourism brochure, photography masters book cover.
Design – Photography (Unit 2): scrapbook design, exhibition invitation or poster, portfolio website, book cover, advertising photography, fashion model z card, alternative printing techniques, book/magazine cover, Polaroid collage
ATAR - Drama
The Drama ATAR course focuses on drama in practice and aesthetic understanding as students integrate their knowledge and skills. They present drama to make meaning for a range of audiences and adapt their drama to suit different performance settings. The focus in this course is on both individual and ensemble performance, as well as the roles of actor, director, scenographer, lighting designer, sound designer, costume designer and dramaturge.
General - Drama
The focus in this course is primarily on ensemble performance and team work. Students’ work in this course includes production and design aspects involving directing, scenography, costumes, props, promotional materials, and sound and lighting. Increasingly, students use new technologies, such as digital sound and multimedia. They present drama to make meaning for a range of audiences and adapt their drama to suit different performance settings. The focus in this course is primarily on ensemble performance and team work.
General - Media Production and Analysis
The Media Production and Analysis General course aims to prepare all students for a future in a digital and interconnected world by providing the skills, knowledge and understandings to tell their own stories and interpret others’ stories. When producing media work, students learn to make decisions about all aspects of production, including creative choices across pre-production, production and post-production phases. This provides an opportunity for students to reflect on and discuss their own creative work, intentions and outcomes. Within this process, skills are developed enabling students to manipulate technologies which simulate industry experiences.
General - Visual Arts
The Visual Arts General course encompasses the practice and theory of the broad areas of art, craft and design. Students have opportunities to express their imagination and develop personal imagery, skills and engage in the making and presentation of artworks. They develop aesthetic understandings and a critical awareness that assists them to appreciate, and make, informed evaluations of art. The Visual Arts General course aims to enable students to make connections to relevant fields of study and to more generally prepare them for creative thinking and problem-solving in future work and life. It aims to contribute to a sense of enjoyment, engagement and fulfilment in their everyday lives, as well as to promote an appreciation for the environment and ecological sustainability.
Certificate II in Music Industry
This qualification is delivered over two years currently under the auspices of the College of Sound and Music Production. Certificate courses combine practical skills with industry level training allowing students to move into higher level music training beyond school. Students will develop technical and artistic skills in music using industry level equipment and software.